Let’s Talk!

Over the course of my ministry, I have heard parishioners say things like “I did not want to bother you because I know you are so busy”.  Others might say, “I know you are just starting out. We can talk later”. While I am grateful for people’s consideration, I remind myself that I have never met a pastor who is not busy. We always have more work to do than time to do it.  What I have learned over the years, however, is that some of the best ministry often happens on my way to doing something else. Interruptions are what ministry is all about.  Remember the story Jesus told about the Good Samaritan? The Levite and the scribe swept by the man beaten up at the side of the road. Perhaps they were rushing to their next appointment! The Samaritan took a different approach. He stopped to help the man who fell among robbers.

As we begin our ministry together, I want you to know that I am deeply interested in hearing your story and what is going on with you. Some might be hurting in mind, body or soul. If you land in the hospital, Adrianne or I will be glad to come see you promptly. However, you do need to let us know if you are in the hospital. These days, privacy laws do not allow hospitals to call us unless the patient requests it. If you can’t make a personal request for a visit, please let your family or a church friend know and ask them to contact us. We will be glad to come.

In these beginning days of our ministry together, I would love to talk with you whether you have been at the church 30 years or just showed up at church for the first time. Your need has nothing to do with seniority. As the inevitable change takes place,  some might feel excitement. Others ambivalence. It’s possible you may have several burning questions to ask me and a comment or two or three! Let’s talk.

Just so you know, Adrianne and I both take Monday off. I am generally in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays and keep my door open when I can. Thursdays is a study and sermon preparation day. Making an appointment is always welcome. However, if you are in the building, feel free to come by and say hello.  At the moment, we are seeking to replace our phone system at church for a variety reasons. Until a permanent system is in place, please call the church and leave a message with our Interim Office Manager, Lauria Conolly or you can call me directly at 802-324-6539. Adrianne can also be reached at  (802) 363-5936.

I really look forward to getting to know you better. I give thanks to God for the interruptions. So much good takes place when we pause to listen and to care.

May the peace of Christ be with you!



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