OFFICIAL MEETING WARNING: Pursuant to Articles VII and X, Sections 2, 4, and 5, of the BY-LAWS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, Burlington, Vermont:
The 217th Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held via Zoom on Sunday, February 5, 2023, at noon for the purpose of:
- electing all officers, boards and teams;
- voting on the budget for fiscal year January 1 through December 31, 2023;
- any other business which may properly come before the members assembled.
– Dawn C. Plante, Clerk
The FirstChurchBTV ANNUAL MEETING was held on Sunday February 5, 2023 via Zoom.
The 10am worship on February 5 – recorded on the First Church YouTube Channel – includes some key parts of our Annual Meeting Sunday:
- “The State of the Church” – the Rev. Elissa Johnk’s (sermon).
- The remembrance of deceased members (January 2022 – January 2023).
- The honoring of “Golden” members” & new members
- Communion – open to all.
- CLICK for the Order of Worship for Sunday February 5
- CLICK for the Sunday February 5 Announcements
Our Annual Meeting DOCUMENTS are linked below:
- The 2022 Annual Report with Slate of Candidates
- Meeting Agenda
- SLATE of CANDIDATES for 2023
- A Letter from Paul Hobbs, Church President
- The Rev. Elissa Johnk’s Annual Meeting Letter
- Vision Project Group Updates – 2.3.2023
- CLICK for a post-Annual Meeting letter to the congregation from the Rev. Elissa Johnk