Care for the Church includes taking care of the congregation and member concerns, maintaining the church facility and grounds, and supporting church programs and operational costs.
Partners in Pastoral Care (PIPC)
Pastoral Care is a vibrant ministry at First Church UCC/BTV. Clergy and trained volunteers stand ready to provide meals, make home visits and provide support in many ways.
If you or a family member are hospitalized, the hospital is not permitted to notify the church on your behalf. It is necessary for you or a family member to notify the church (862-5010 or by email) if you wish to have a visit from our minister, or a member of our pastoral care team. Please see this link for more information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Volunteer knitters in the church have been making Prayer Shawls for a number of years. When an individual is in some form of crisis such as serious illness or grief over a loved one’s death, a shawl is delivered. Often the person delivering the shawl reads a lovely prayer that invokes God’s encircling love while placing the shawl on the recipient’s shoulders. Anyone who is aware of someone in need of a shawl is welcome to choose one and deliver it. Those knitters who are interested in getting together are invited to come to a monthly Prayer Shawl Ministry group get together.
Clean-Up Days
Each fall and spring, there is an all-church Clean-Up Day; individuals and small groups garden, paint, and clean as well as make small repairs… and have fun together, too! Please contact office for more information.
More than a decade ago, First Church used the funding from a successful Capital Campaign to make much needed renovations and implemented a range of energy saving strategies. Our Building and Grounds Team monitors where repairs are needed and coordinates the efforts of our building staff and a corps of volunteers who help to keep the church facilities in good order. Using their expertise these volunteers have been instrumental in saving considerable amounts of money over the years.
Financial Support
The main source of revenue to support operating and maintenance costs comes through pledges and gifts made to First Church. Each year the Stewardship Team reminds members how critically important it is for them to use a portion of their financial resources in support of the staff, programs and mission of the church. Through both volunteer efforts and the generosity of members, the church maintains a strong presence in the Burlington community. Click here for Stewardship information.