Welcoming All, Seeking Justice, Finding God


Welcome to First Congregational Church UCC of Burlington, Vermont!

As a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, we want you to know that “no matter where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.” We believe each person is a beloved child of God. In response to God’s grace, we seek to share the love of Christ through our worship and the warm hospitable welcome we offer on Sunday mornings and throughout the week.

We are an Open and Affirming congregation: whatever your age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, or physical, cognitive or emotional ability, we believe our common life is enriched by all who gather.

We are a church that seeks to do justice in the world by speaking to issues of our time in light of the Gospel.  We open our church to many service organizations, which you can read about here. We are particularly glad that our facilities are home to the Joint Urban Ministry Project’s weekday Drop-In Center. We work in partnership with many nonprofit groups in our region, are active globally through the missions and ministries of the Vermont Conference of the United Church of Christ and our denomination: the United Church of Christ (UCC), and collaborate with other long-term partners.

We invite you to learn more about this community of faith!

Come worship with us, subscribe to our e-newsletters and e-updates, visit our Facebook page, and use this website to learn more about the missions and ministries of First Congregational Church UCC of Burlington.

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