Welcoming All, Seeking Justice, Finding God

First Congregational Church of Burlington

Welcome to First Congregational UCC of Burlington

You are invited to worship in person at First Church at 10am on Sundays in our beautiful Sanctuary at 38 South Winooski Avenue in Burlington OR via the live-stream (or later recording) on the FirstChurchBTV YouTube Channel. Fellowship time follows worship at First Church.

Six Stone Jars: The Economy of Jesus

This winter, we turn to the stories of the Gospel to explore the radical economy of Jesus the Christ. In today’s Western culture – driven by constant demands on our time and resources – equity, wholeness, and meaning seem more and more elusive.  Faced with similar challenges in the Roman Empire millennia ago, Jesus offered a new order: a new way of thinking about who we are, what we have, and how we relate to each other. As the Rev. Marcia McFee writes, “In his economy, the true measure of abundance is fullness for the whole community.” Throughout this sermon series we will explore the theme of what the fullness Christ offers to all – the fullness of hope.

Go to the FCCB YouTube Channel for recordings of the first three sermons in this series – during worship on January 19, 25, and February 2, 2025.

The Order of Worship, Announcements, etc. for Sunday worship services will be linked below – prior to the worship service:


SIX STONE JARS: Special Gathering:
Meet with Rev. Elissa Johnk to discuss Wendell Berry’s “Two Economies.”

Sunday, February 9th – After worship – grab a snack and a cup of coffee in the fellowship gathering in the Chapel and meet with Elissa upstairs (or elevator) to discuss Wendell Berry’s “The Two Economies.” To prepare – use THIS LINK to read Berry’s well-known essay: https://bit.ly/WendellBerry2



We are starting something new that is planned to bring our boards and teams together monthly to “team up” – collaborate, share important ideas and plans and make meetings as efficient as possible. If you are on an FCCB  Board, Team or Committee – please join in this “kick off” gathering and inspire good works for the year ahead.  We’re ordering some pizza – but hope that many will bring a snack to share. Thank you!


Women’s Fellowship is…
Calling all (self-identifying) women, ages 9-99, to join in a luncheon at 11:45 next Sunday, the 16th, upstairs in the dining room after fellowship time in the first floor chapel. We’ll lunch, and chat about where we see ourselves as a group in the future, set goals and priorities, and discern where we are heading as a supportive group within our church community. Bring your thoughts and ideas!


In need of legal assistance?  Don’t know where to start?  

Our FCCB Legal Clinics are free and open to all living in VT. Upcoming Clinics are on Sundays February 23 and March 23. On those dates, call (802.862.5010) between noon and 1pm for an appointment via Zoom or phone that afternoon.  CLICK HERE for details




CLICK HERE for more information about our programs for Children & Youth

 CLICK HERE for the Thursday 8:30am Bible Study Zoom
Our Bible Study gatherings are in person – 6:15pm on Wednesdays at First Church – and via Zoom online – Thursdays at 8:30am. All are invited to explore scripture together!


Who is my neighbor? The one in front of you in need. Looking for a way to serve your church and community? Join our Good Neighbor Crew. Every morning and evening, we need folks to help us clean our grounds and check in with those gathered here in an effort to build relationships and maintain a safe space for all. Email Director of Congregational Life, Ava Bilton, with the days and times you’re available to serve, or signup in the Church Office.


The FCCB Climate Justice Team offers articles via the Climate Corner (website page) to share ideas about what we can do to help preserve this beautiful world and the life on it that we’ve inherited. CLICK HERE to check out the on the First Church website Climate Corner


CLICK HERE for up-to-date 2024-2025 book group information.


Our FirstChurchBTV Outreach Team invites volunteers to donate meals for youth at Outright Vermont gatherings. Want to know more? Please contact Outreach Team member Louise Brewster at lrbrewster@gmail.com for details and potential dates.


MEAL TRAIN: A First Church Pastoral Care Ministry!
Our PIPC – Partners In Pastoral Care – Team and affiliated volunteers known as: “Friends at First” have been busy in the ministry of providing meals for many years. In collaboration with our clergy, PIPC coordinates meal deliveries within our church community in response to various times of need. Interested in participating in an upcoming Meal Train? Contact: Lucy Samara at lsamara@firstchurchburlington.org


NAME TAGS BUILD COMMUNITY  Please drop by – or call the Church Office – 802 862 5010 ext 4 to request a name tag – let us know your specific name request (nickname, pronouns, etc.). Thank you!


• Our Thrift Shop has a long history of serving the community and church!

Donations & Volunteers are needed!  Please bring Possibility Shop donations to First Church any time between 10am and 3pm – Wednesday though Friday. Clean clothing and household items in good condition are always needed.

ESPECIALLY NEEDED NOW: Warm winter clothing in excellent condition for all ages.

• Greet customers in the midway (near Church Office) – a great opportunity for readers and knitters!
• Assist with the financial aspects of the shop, @two to three hours per month.
• Handle and help sell older, valuable items that are donated to the shop.
• Questions? call Karan Dewar 802-922-3821 or Brenda Fraser 802-862-4747.

Thank you.

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