Welcoming All, Seeking Justice, Finding God

First Congregational Church of Burlington

Welcome to First Congregational UCC of Burlington



You are invited to worship in person at First Church at 10am on Sundays in our beautiful Sanctuary at 38 South Winooski Avenue in Burlington OR via the live-stream (or later recording) on the FirstChurchBTV YouTube Channel. Fellowship time follows worship at First Church.

Our Fall 2024 Sermon Series: “The Reclamation… redefine faith, reimagine love, reignite hope” – got underway on September 15.  During the sermon series we will be reflecting on and reclaiming Christian concepts that have long been ceded to conservative, fundamentalist interpretations of Christianity. The sermons can be found on the First Church YouTube Channel linked below.

The Rev. Elissa Johnk, Lead Minister

Worship at First Church is live-streamed (and the recording is available later) on the FirstChurchBTV YouTube Channel.  The Order of Worship, Announcements, etc. for Sunday’s worship are updated prior to the worship service weekly and are posted here:



Fall Faith Formation Opportunities

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path

  • *NEW* Book Group- The Universal Christ: How a Forgotten Reality Can Change Everything We See, Hope For, and Believe by Richard Rohr will meet on Thursdays Oct. 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th at 6:00pm at First Church. Register at https://bit.ly/fccbfallbooks
  • *NEW*Book Group- Practicing the Pause: Jesus’ Contemplative Practice, New Brain Science, and What it Means to Be Fully Human by Caroline Oakes will meet on Sundays after worship, Oct. 20th, 27th, Nov. 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th. Register at https://bit.ly/fccbfallbooks
  • Wednesday evening in-person Bible Study – 6:15pm at First Church – open to all!
  • Thursday morning online Bible Study – 8:30am on Zoom. Check firstchurchburlington.org for the Zoom link.



CLICK for Thursday 8:30am Bible Study Zoom Link

Our Bible Study gatherings are in person – 6:15pm on Wednesdays at First Church – and  via Zoom online – Thursdays at 8:30am.  All are invited to explore scripture together!


World Communion Sunday: What is Incarnation and what does it mean for Christians today?
On Sunday, October 6th, College Street Congregational Church will join us in worship for a celebration of Jesus’ invitation to the Table, and an in-depth discussion of the incarnated Christ led by the Revs. Elissa Johnk and Ken White.  All are invited to worship in person or via live-stream (or later recording) on the First Church YouTube.


Service / Service Sunday: We are called to Serve

Sometimes service means worship, and sometimes it means being an active witness beyond the walls of our sanctuary. On Sunday, October 13, we will gather at College Street Congregational Church at 10am for a brief worship followed by a morning of service with projects for all ages and abilities.

  • One way to participate is by donating hygiene supplies to JUMP – the Joint Urban Ministry Project – and bringing them to Service Service Sunday.  For a suggested shopping list – use this LINK.


Who is my neighbor? The one in front of you in need.   Looking for a way to serve your church and community? Join our Good Neighbor Crew. Every morning and evening, we need folks to help us clean our grounds and check in with those gathered here in an effort to build relationships and maintain a safe space for all. Email Director of Congregational Life, Ava Bilton, with the days and times you’re available to serve, or signup in the Church Office.




The FCCB Climate Justice Team offers articles via the Climate Corner (website page) to share ideas about what we can do to help preserve this beautiful world and the life on it that we’ve inherited. 


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