Give to First Church: Giving, Pledging & Special Offerings

STEWARDSHIP is GIVING to FIRST CHURCH: The ministries and missions of First Congregational Church UCC of Burlington rely on the pledges and support of all of our members and friends.

See below for information about giving online and via check – about any current special offerings – and about making a pledge to support First Church during 2023 and about how to make a 2024 pledge.  Thank you.

Online/E-Giving & Giving by Check: One-time donations & recurring pledges  – all of your donations fuel the missions and ministries of First Congregational Church.

TO GIVE ONLINE – connect to First Congregational Church’s secure Online/E-Giving system by clicking here.  Use the drop-down menu provided in “Fund” to designate your donation.YOU CAN TEXT A DONATION to FCCBUCC to 73256 – standard text message rates apply.

Or… GIVE by CHECK – made payable to First Congregational Church (to designate a specific use – such as the Pastoral Care Fund – or a special offering – use the MEMO line on your check) and mail to: First Congregational Church, 38 South Winooski Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401


Current Special Offering:

  • Give to OGHS by check to First Congregational Church, MEMO: OGHS
    or ONLINE using OGHS on the drop-down menu.


Stewardship 2024 – Together we will…


Stewardship Co-Chair, Steve Hyde’s

December 22, 2023 – Letter to the Congregation

Together we will… and so far, together we have…

This year’s stewardship campaign is going well – but we aren’t done yet!

So far, we have received 109 pledges of monies and/or service in support of the 2024 First Church operating budget. These pledges total nearly 75% of our anticipated 2024 budget.

Our goal is to exceed 130 pledges by the end of the first week in January. If you have yet to make your pledge, please do so. Our Trustees and Executive Team are working to finalize the 2024 proposed budget as they prepare for our upcoming Annual Meeting and will soon begin to take action on all of what we have said we want to do together.

What has been particularly exciting for me is to see what we, as individuals, have shared with each other as expressed in the “Together we will …” statements that people submitted with their pledges. I have posted them on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary for all to see (including the sample below!). Please check it out. When I look at it, I know I am in the right place. I hope you will feel the same way.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me or the church office.

Peace and kindness be with you,

Steve Hyde, Stewardship Co-Chair

The Rev. Elissa Johnk’s November 10 Letter to the Congregation:

Together we will…

One of the most common laments today is about the division in American society – between generations, parties, classes, and neighbors. Here at First Church, we have members from both sides of the political aisle. We have kids in their first few months of life, almost 40 active children, and members who have been here 8 decades. We have folks who own multiple homes, and those who are homeless. And while we might not agree on everything, we do agree on one thing: the importance of being together.

It is, in fact, a sacred responsibility. In the Hebrew Bible, we are charged to set aside the sabbath as a day of “sacred assembly.” Even in the first century, when gathering wasn’t safe, Paul wrote that we were not to “neglect gathering,” but rather to “encourage one another, and continually consider how to spur one another to love and good deeds.”

Gathering is the way we express, practice, and grow our faith. And gather we have. In 2023, we have averaged almost 100 for worship in the building, and over 125 (!) online. We have gathered for benefit dinners, breakfasts, cooking competitions, and simple meals. We have gathered for concerts, art receptions, dragon-boating, discernment and retreat. We have gathered for worship in just about every room in the church, as well as by the lake, on the lawn, downtown in service, and with College Street down the road.

I firmly believe this is why First Church is thriving…    CLICK HERE to read more of the Rev. Elissa Johnk’s message


Jack Lynch comments on his path to faith
and stewardship at First Church.
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