If you are worshipping with us for the first time: Welcome! Here are a few things you may want to know:
We celebrate the sacred worth of all persons as unique individuals made in the image of God. Whatever your age, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, or physical, cognitive, or emotional ability, we invite you to find a safe and nurturing spiritual home with us. All are welcome to participate, fully and without reservation, in the life, leadership, ministry and mission of this church as we seek to grow together in a community of faith.
The First Congregational Church of Burlington is an Open & Affirming Church of the United Church of Christ. This means everyone – everyone – is welcome.
Including YOU!
That means no dress code, either. Some of your fellow worshipers will be in jeans and T-shirts or flannel. Others will be in suits or “Sunday best” dresses. Wear what you are comfortable in.
You will be welcomed at the door by a greeter or an usher. An usher will hand you the “Order of Worship” (sometimes called the program or bulletin). This is your step-by-step guide to what will happen in the service, and also includes announcements about events at First Church. You may sit wherever you choose. Those who are able will be invited to stand to sing hymns and for some prayers; your order of worship will tell you when that is. You will be invited to participate in group prayers and readings; they will be printed in the order of worship. We sing hymns from two hymnals each Sunday; your order of worship will tell you which one is used for each hymn. If you don’t want to sing or participate in readings, that’s fine. Copies of the Bible are provided in each pew so you may follow along as the passages selected for the day are read from the pulpit.
Your children and youth are welcome here too. Church school classes for grades K-8 meet during 10am worship. There are activity kits (coloring, etc.) for children available on a table at the back of the Sanctuary. Childcare is available throughout the 10:00 service for children from infants through age 2; an usher can show you where that is.
If you come for the 10:00 a.m. worship service you may enter the church through the central entrance (between the smaller chapel building on the left and the main sanctuary on the right) or through the large white front door of the Sanctuary. The central entrance provides full accessibility, with power assisted doors and on-grade access.
We share in the sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of every month (and at some seasonal services). All who profess faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to share bread and cup. Children, with the assent of their parents, are also welcome to take part. For us it is a truly holy moment; a very physical symbol of our bond with God through the presence of Jesus Christ.
Following the 10:00 a.m. worship service those who wish to stay are welcome to share coffee and fellowship in the Chapel. An usher or fellow worshipper can guide you there.