National & International Mission
The Crop Walk
First Church often hosts this annual Walk that raises funds for the programs of Church World Service. Many members volunteer logistical support or participate in the Walk.
Caring for God’s Creation
Caring for Creation is an on-going congregational initiative to bring awareness to the environmental consequences of our choices, and support for learning to live a more globally responsible lifestyle. Contact our Dir. of Outreach Ministries for more information.
Support of Hospitals in Haiti and India
For many years, the church has had relationships with the James Hospital in Colachel, India, and the Hopital Albert Schweitzer in Haiti. Members, including medical personnel, have visited both hospitals providing medical and other support. Learn more and see photos of First Church Service Trips at India and Haiti.
Middle East Trips
Members have participated in group trips to Israel/Palestine to visit Biblical sites and to learn first-hand more about the issues that divide Palestine from Israel. Learn more and see photos of First Church Service Trips to Israel/Palestine.