Lucy Samara
Lucy Samara has served as our Communications Coordinator since March of 2018. She served as First Congregational Church’s Director of Outreach Ministries from 1991 to March of 2018, and as Co-Director of High School Youth Ministries from 1999 through 2015. Lucy also served as Interim Church School Coordinator from the fall of 2015, until the fall of 2017.
Before joining the staff of First Church, Lucy was Co-Director of Residential Life and Director of Student Activities at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology in Terre Haute, Indiana. She also served as Adjunct Business Professor at Champlain College and was a Field Director with the Vermont Girl Scout Council.
Lucy holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services and Family Studies and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education from the University of New Hampshire. Lucy also holds a Masters in Administration from Saint Michael’s College.
Lucy and her husband Michael joined First Church in 1985; they live in South Burlington.