Welcoming All, Seeking Justice, Finding God

Trustee Tidings

Trustee Tidings: October 2022

Our Trustees meet on the second Tuesday monthly to review the on-going activities, plans, goals and finances of First Church.Currently our Trustees are collaborating with the Stewardship Team focusing on forming a proposed budget for the upcoming church year. The Stewardship Team is preparing educational materials for the congregation to use in making 2023 pledges during November.

The Trustees are monitoring and supporting our Visioning Process. Research phases began in August for two teams: the Child Care Team and Building Projects & Renovations Team.  Additional Vision Project Teams are now getting underway to focus on the areas of: Education & Conversation Hub; Environmental Assessment; and Partnering with Current Programs/Expansion.  The plan is for the Vision Project Teams to report findings and proposals to the congregation in the spring.

Our Trustees also hear and discuss reports from our Re-Gathering Team who this fall recommended that we moved to “recommending masks” in the church building for all over age two. In mid-October we re-introduced offering food and beverages during church programs.

Working closely with Treasurer Michael Knauer, our Trustees also monitor finances and are grateful for folks keeping their pledges up to date as we come into the final fiscal quarter of the year.

The Trustees are very pleased with the work completed this summer constructing an accessible walkway to our Memorial Garden and with the recent closing of the sale of our parsonage to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Burlington (see reverse side for details).

The next Trustee Meeting is set for November 8th.  Please contact Church President Paul Hobbs (paulandrew98@gmail.com) with any input or questions.

* Use this LINK to learn more about the sale of our parsonage to Ronald McDonald House and to see some thoughtful thank you notes from the RMH & RMH guests.

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