Worship Music

Make a JOYFUL noise to the Lord!

Music has always been central to worship. The beauty and emotion that music brings to our personal experience of God are key to the worship experience. We come together and sing, joining our voices and breath together in one large body. Singing together is an outward and visible sign of how we strive to unite as a family. Hymn singing is the bedrock of our music program. Everyone in the congregation is invited to participate as fully as possible as we sing our unity and praise.

Many members of our congregation want to spend a little more time seeking community through music making. We offer choirs and instrumental ensembles for all ages and a variety of interests.

Youth Music Ensemble

Middle and High school singers and instrumentalists come together for special services throughout the year, including services for Advent, Christmas, Youth Sunday and Easter. This ensemble provides an opportunity for service to the church and a greater understanding of the impact of music in worship.

Sanctuary Choir

The Sanctuary Choir sings during the Sunday 10 a.m. worship services.   The Choir rehearses at 7 p.m. at  First church. Rehearsals are open so if you love to sing, consider joining us!

During the summer months when the Sanctuary Choir does not rehearse,  individual musicians and small groups of musicians work with our Director of Music to plan music for Sunday worship services.

Handbell Choir

The Austin Chimers is named to remember Warren Austin, longtime member of First Church, who served as the first U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Together with experienced leadership, members work with each other to play music that inspires the congregation through the beautiful sound of handbells. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings at 6:45 p.m.  New comers are always welcome!


  • CLICK HERE to watch our Sanctuary Choir & Music Director Amy Short offer the John Rutter’s anthem: “Look at the World” during worship on October 16, 2022.

  • CLICK HERE to watch Emy Berger, flute and former Music Director Amy Shortt, piano offer Katherine Kennicott Davis’s “Let All Things Now Living” as a postlude during worship on October 23, 2022

7pm Thursday evening Sanctuary Choir Rehearsals at First Church are open to all.  New members are welcome!   For more information – come to a rehearsal – or contact interim Director of Music, Chris Lyons-Dihn, music@firstchuchburlington.org

The Austin Chimers Bell Choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 6:45pm at First Church. Newcomers are always welcome!  For more information – come to a rehearsal – or contact Jennie Coleman, Bell Choir Director at jcoleman@firstchurchburlington.org

The Youth Music Ensemble and the Children’s Choir rehearse on Sundays – contact Ava Bilton, abilton@firstchurchburlington.org for more information on the Youth Music Ensemble, or Children’s Choir Director, Laura Elder-Connors at lelderconnors@firstchurchburlington.org

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