CLICK HERE for the February 7, 2021 Annual Meeting Highlights
CLICK HERE for a video of the various presentations offered during the 2/7/21 Annual Meeting including:
- Treasurer’s Report
- I & T: Sustainable Investing Update
- The 2020 FCCB Top Ten List
- Pastor’s Report
- 2021 Budget Proposal
- Community Ministries Charge
ANNUAL MEETING DAY: The 10am worship on Sunday February 7 on YouTube includes:
- “The State of the Church” – the Rev. Elissa Johnk’s (sermon).
- The remembrance of deceased members (May 2020 – January 2021).
- The honoring of golden members (2021).
- Communion – gather bread & juice and a candle for worship.
- CLICK HERE for the Order of Worship for Sunday February 7
ALL were INVITED: Though only First Church members can vote – ALL were invited to the Annual Meeting on Zoom.
- CLICK HERE to open/download a copy of the 2020 ANNUAL REPORT & MEETING AGENDA.
- CLICK HERE for the RESOLUTIONS that will be presented for vote during the Annual Meeting.
- Meeting “Warning”: the notice below is the official warning (announcement) of our Annual Meeting.
- READ the February 5, 2021 letter from Paul Hobbs, First Church President-Elect, to the congregation.
- READ the January 28, 2021 letter from Caroline Crawford, First Church President, to the congregation.
- CLICK HERE to connect to the Vision Team page on our website.
- CLICK HERE for the Vision Team’s February 2021 F.A.Q. document
- CLICK HERE for the Vision Team’s 2020 Annual Report
Annual Meeting Warning
Pursuant to Articles VII and X, Sections 2, 4, and 5, of the BY-LAWS OF THE FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST, Burlington, Vermont:
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held following worship on Sunday February 7, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. for the purpose of:
- electing all officers, boards and committees;
- voting to accept the budget for fiscal year January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, as presented by the Board of Trustees;
- voting on a limited by-law change relate to the date of the Annual Meeting;
- any other business which may properly come before the members assembled. -Dawn C. Plante, Clerk