Some Things Just Don’t Change

Dear Friends,

At our recent Annual Meeting, I was very pleased that the congregation unanimously passed an amendment to our by-laws, which gives the Board of Trustees some time and space to work with the congregation to reorganize our committee system. On Tuesday June 10, from 6 – 9 p.m., the Trustees’ first step will be to gather our whole community in a retreat where we will dream together and make plans to move forward. We will take it slow, and create space for us to hear one another and explore how we can better work together to offer the Gospel and glorify God.

Congregationalists, by nature, think deeply on how each person can find their calling and participate in what Martin Luther called the “Priesthood of All Believers.” The idea is that living out the Christian faith is not just for the pastors, but something that all of us are called to do. We affirm the freedom of each local church to organize itself so that those who own the covenant can best respond to the needs of the church and the community. From time to time, congregational churches need to take a fresh look at what they are doing. Reorganization is in our DNA.

Change is afoot. So many things, however, will not change. Reorganization is not a ministry. It is simply a means to help us better do the ministry that is already important to us. As we make our way, then, what will not change?

  • We will always worship together where we cultivate an ever deepening relationship with God and one another.
  • We will always offer our pastoral care to those who are distressed and in need of our attention.
  • We will always work everyday to welcome people into our midst as fellow companions in Christ.
  • We will always endeavor to learn the tenets of Christianity and help people of all ages grow in the Christian faith.
  • We will always care for the poor, work to include those who often feel excluded, and speak out act against injustice in our community and world.
  • We will always cultivate in our personal and collective lives a spirit of generosity reflected in the giving of our monetary and non-monetary gifts.

As we go about our ministry, Jesus, as head of the church, will always be at the center of our life together, guiding us and transforming our lives.

Amidst change, some things never change!

I am very excited as we go forward to grow in faith with you as we seek to offer the Gospel in loving and prophetic ways to a world that needs to hear good news.

May the peace of Christ be with you!

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